I am going to unapologetically post this picture. So, there. deal with it.
I'm going to start this blog off saying that I actually spotted Herb Weisbaum in Food.com about a half hour before class even started. Did I want to approach him? Absolutely I did. Did I actually approach him? No, no i did not. sad but true. But I have to say, Herb provided more real life insight about this business than I think I was ready to hear. I think everyone in our class is used to hearing "well this busines is hard, and its unforgiving, and its being corrupted", but i think those are things that are easily ignored from teachers because of the second hand information we assume they're mostly speaking from. For me, though, Herb made it all so very real. I think the first thing that ran through my mind was doubt, but the more he talked about helping people, and providing a public service, the more i remembered why I wanted to do this in the first place. Herb was truely an excellent interview and person. I enoyed every second of him.
Now, Dave Cohen, I came in with a predetermined bias, because as a Red Sox fan who has been forced to watch every Red Sox Game (until very very very recently) on Yankee sponsored Networks, I was vaguely familiar with Mr. Cohen. But, all biases aside, I really enjoyed his speech. I think he is truely the reinessance man; he has found way to conquer the media, and you can tell he is truely proud of that. I like to think of him as sort of a vagabond of the media, someone who constantly drifts frm project to project, always one step ahead of the competition. He is an innovator, and truely someone I would enjoy being for a day.
Meeting Mr. Costas was a dream come true for me. It really was. I have been watching him anchor the Olympics since 1994 in Lillehammer, and I dont know if you all know, but I dont sleep when the Olympic Games are on. I watch every second of coverage from opening to closing ceremonies. He is awesome. All kinds of awesome. He is really funny too. I think any more words on Bob Costas would be an injustice. He was just... awesome.
Here endeth the lesson.
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