My Thursday morning started as usual. I woke up early in a panic because I still have not found a story worthy of covering after staying up late looking for the perfect tip. I went to my 8 a.m. class, took a test, and then continued frantically searching websites and newspapers for a story. After sending Professor Nicholson about ten story ideas I was about to loose hope. But then I read something interesting. In a story about flu season it said you can receive your annual flu shot at pharmacies. I had no idea this convenience was available! I asked people around me where they thought you could get a flu shot and not one person said at a local drug store. I knew I had a story but of course I had to run over to Nicholson's office to get it approved out of fear. After I did, I called the closest Walgreens and spoke to a pharmacist named Melissa Deale. She was sweet and wanted to help so she invited me to come on in to talk to her. This was working out great!
It was now 1 o'clock and I jumped into my SUV and grabbed my GPS system. All I had to do was put in the address and go. When I punched in the address of the Walgreens, the GPS did not recognize it so I typed in Camillus and point of interest "Walgreen" and left. When it said it was going to take me forty-five minutes to get there I thought something was weird since Camillus is only 15 minutes away but who am I to question such highly advanced technology.
When I arrived, I jumped out of my car and ran inside to get my interview. I asked the girl at the pharmacy counter if Melissa was around and she said, "Melissa does not work here anymore. She works at the Camillus location." I had gone TOO far, about twenty-five minutes out of my way to be exact. After doing a small freak out I asked if there was anyone there who would talk to me. After about three people said they were too busy (there was about 2.2 people in the store including me) the manager of the store came and told me all of this great information but refused to be recorded. After being jerked around for twenty minutes, I left and was determined to find Melissa. It was now 2 o'clock. The people at Walgreens told me the Camillus location was twenty miles down the road. As I drove through cow town and east bumble I recorded my lead and anchor intro.
Finally I found Camillus and the wonderful Melissa Deale. She was happy to talk to me and made my job very easy. I was out of there in fifteen minutes with all of the information I needed. I rushed back to Newhouse and put my piece together with no sweat, well sort of.
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