I don't know how to accurately describe my feelings after yesterday... It was so much more than I had bargained for. Clearly I was looking forward to meeting Herb Weisbaum, Dave Cohen, and Bob Costas and hearing them speak; but I really didn't know the degree to which they would affect me.
Weisbaum's speech made me think. I was so impressed by his tape, and really just by how much he loved what he did and why he did it. He explained how what he did made a difference in people's lives, simply through a media outlet, and that alone is encouragement to stay in this business. In a sense he also challenged our generation: to do more, BE more. Cliche as it sounds, it made me just want to spread the "let's change the world!" gospel to everyone at Syracuse.
Dave Cohen gave a different spin on what we're getting ourselves into, but a very interesting one. He addressed the reality of "having the rug pulled out from under you," which was scary but important to hear. He also showed us how this business gives you the opportunity to reinvent yourself and to go into all different mediums. To me, that was very exciting.
Bob Costas... Where to begin with Bob Costas? I haven't been star struck in a while. I was. I admire and look up to him in so many ways, and to be sitting right next to him for two hours was pretty incredible. But I think the most important thing about meeting Bob Costas was the fact that he ultimately turned right back into a college student. It was like we were all hanging out, not listening to him speak. It's almost as if I want to say, "we laughed, we cried..." It was an EXPERIENCE more than anything, that was also a bit difficult to describe. I called my dad to brag, and when he asked me how Costas was, I said "He's so well-spoken!" Well, duh... But honestly, trying to put the two hours into words is easier said than done. At this point it's just better to look back on the experience in my own mind and remember it for what it was-- incredible.
P.S. I found this picture and chose it because I figured this is what Costas looked like when he was at Syracuse :)
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