Monday, September 17, 2007

Following the trail of bread crumbs...

For me, the story I covered about Tashlich was particullarly interesting. I atended the service at Thornden park not only as a journalist, but also as a participant.

Following morning service at the Hillel, I was experiencing a crisis of conscience. Although I consider myself a reform Jew, the reform service was a little too reform for me. I did not feel like I had satisfied my religious thirst, especially since it was a high holy day. Knowing that I had to go to class and get my story in by 4:30, I e-mailed Professor Nicholson, letting him know about the pickle I was in. I suggested that I do a story about Tashlich, so that I may attend the service and get the story done. Thankfully, Professor Nicholson allowed me to do this.

The service was supposed to start at 1:30, but nearly an hour later, the rabbinical student who was to lead the service was still at the Hillel leading a discussion about that day's Haftorah.

I decided to forgoe an interview with the rabbinical student, in favor of talking to a person who was going to attend the service because of time constraints. I went into the lobby of the hillel, and asked the first person I saw if they would be willing to talk to me. I got my nat sound at the service itself.

I took a rather unorthodox approach to covering this story, as journalists are usually outside observers. However, I am glad I was able to cover the story in this way, becuase it allowed me to fulfill my needs as both a student and a Jew.


Jon Erwin said...

I give you props on getting the story in on deadline and being able to properly observe Rosh Hashannah. I thought the story turned out really well especially since I learned about something in your story of which I had never heard. This was an almost round-a-bout and I'm sure stressful way of obtaining a good radio story but it turned out to be the most interesting story so far.

Lara Bryn Greenberg said...

It's actually nuts that you got your story done by deadline, so good for you! I also liked that you didn't do a story just on Rosh Hashanah, but about a more specific aspect of it. Way to get a different angle.

Noel Aliseo said...

I really liked that you chose a less common event for your angle. I really did not know much about Rosh Hashannah and you definetly gave me so much information besides the basics. I liked learning about the variety of services. Great job on working under pressure!