Thursday, November 15, 2007

Puppy Love

Today I covered the Leatherstocking Cluster Fall Dog Shows at the State Fair Grounds. I wasn't able to get a lot about the actual competition into my piece. The shows consist of two types of competitions, in two different buildings. Confirmation, which is evaluating the dogs on their gait and movement, and if they meet AKC standards. The second type is obedience, which is when dogs are put through paces, sit downs, stay puts, and are judged on their performance. I also got some great sound from two women who were owners and handlers about how a lot of the judging is politics, and people that aren't or don't hire professional handlers are at a disadvantage because their faces are not as well known. I also found out that they don't win money.
All the different breeds, competitions, and levels make dog shows pretty confusing. I had a nice owner and handler explained the process from the first round through best in show to me, but I was still pretty confused which was pretty obvious when I talked to Professor Nicholson. Over all I enjoyed doing the story, all the people showing really had a passion for competition and their dogs. One last thing, Woody, the dog I used for my natural sound, is in the top 20 for his breed in the country.

1 comment:

Annie said...

Amy Jo, I can not even tell you how jealous I was, and still am, that you got to play with dogs.

it's also really interesting that there were actually some really prestigious breeds there. it's cool that this is a legitimate dog show.