So, I'm going to start this blog off by saying I've never experienced anything like this in my life.
So I went to cover the Tobacco Ban at St. Joseph's Hospital, which is really close to the Our Lady of Pompeii Church that basically everyone went to last week. No one was able/would talk to me, which is honestly a first, because I never have a hard time getting people to talk to me. I walked all around the perimeter of the hospital, and even into the little bar-area in front of the hospital, and still... no one wanted to talk to the Kozak-machine.
Then, blue SUV guy happened.
Which, and Im not going to go into too much detail about it, because honestly it's kind of humiliating, started off innocently enough as me accidentally looking into this guy's car. He kept looking at me, and waving. Then, he rolled down his window and yelled some profane things, and which point I changed the direction I was walking. Blue SUV guy turned around, and followed me in the other direction. Kept whistling, until I saw him stop his car on the side of the street, by which point I ran like crazy to my car.
Maybe he thought it was funny to do that to me, and maybe he actually had some intentions on kidnapping me or something. Either way, things like that are never funny, especially when a girl is alone.
After that, I tried to go to Erie to maybe catch some people in front of the P&C to talk to them, but I was pretty distraught by that point.
So what did you wind up doing?
WOW. Now I want to know every juicy detail. I'm going to your house tonight... or tomorrow night for a uncensored story.
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