It might not be quite that serious, but Mehrzad Boroujerdi spoke firmly about the potenital nuclear hostility between the United States and Iran. Listening to him speak was very interesting because I could tell looking at him that he knew what he was talking about. And because Ranbir mentioned to me that he is, in fact, Iranian, then that tells me he has some personal experience with the matter. I also looked at his Curriculum Vitae and saw that he's written so much about Iran. The thing about his speech that really stuck with me is when he was talking about potentially using a bomb on Iran. He brought up the question of whether the United States wants the onus on it as the first country to use nuclear weapon since World War II. Another thing that really got the attention of the crowd of people (that, apparently contained some of the losing candidates in various elections, but I didn't recognize any of them) was when he mentioned how many Americans thought that a military strike was necessary or if it would actually happen. They were both around the same number: 53%. 53% of all Americans think that a miltary strike against Iran should happen, and 53% also think that it will happen. That caused the crowed to gasp in surprise. The thing about Professor Boroujerdi is that I could tell he is a great professor and an interesting man. He somehow brought an appropriate analogy to the relationship between the U.S. and Iran. I believe he used Kramer vs. Kramer, two former lovers who now very much dislike each other and get on each other's nerves.
Overall, this was an interesting story to cover, but I did have some difficulties. First of all, I tried to ask the professor if I could speak with him after the presentation, however he had to teach a class at 9:30 so he wasn't available. Luckily, I sat right up front so my sound wasn't awful (but it definitely wasn't as good as I would've hoped). The issue of Bush potentially bombing Iran is also something that's been in the news, but there's no conclusive evidence to say that it will happen. I couldn't find an article in the American media that said anything about this possibility. I found one story in The Telegraph in London, and one in the Australian in Australia, but none in the U.S. But in the end, I finished the story and I thought it was very interesting.
1 comment:
Kramer vs. Kramer - Dustin Hoffman, Meryl Streep. A classic!
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