New York State is thinking about fixing it's juvenile justice system, but what you don't know, is that I actually interviewed someone who LIVED it.
I called, and spoke with a guy named Anthony, who had actually spent time in nearly every juvenile detention center this side of Albany. He was telling me how the system basically shipped him from detention center to detention center, and nothing really helped him. He told me that it wasn't until the state enrolled him in an improvement/rehabilitation program, that he really turned his life around. He said all he learned in the detention centers was more bad behaviors, but that it was the relationships and the mentors he gained from the rehabilitation programs that finally helped him keep out of trouble.
I wished I had beed able to include him in my story, and actually use him as a SOT. However, for some reason the sound didn't transfer to my zip drive, and by the time I realized that i didn't have his sound, my recording had been long deleted. I was pretty proud of myself for getting that interview, too. I was sad I lost it.
Team C was sweet, again. Good job!
great post, sounds like it would have been a great story. you'll get 'em next tome kid (that was in an american accent btw)
That's too bad. It's a shame there were so many technical difficulties this week.
What a bummer. I'm sure that would have been an unique story- someone who's actually spent time in different detention centers telling his story! But good job on finding this source though! I'm sure your newscast was awesome, too.
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