Friday, October 19, 2007

Team Boisterously Bodacious

I produced this weekend Team B's cast; note the alliteration of the letter B in the title. There were several things you would never know without hearing our newscast. First it was a really slow news day when it came to state and national news. I had to resort to a story about the death of an actress from the King and I to fill some time. Looking back at it, I should have just replaced that with another anchor-act, using the sound from someone's wrap. Another thing you wouldn't know is our team worked really well together. It helped me deal with the separation anxiety felt when team D as in Dangerously good was split apart. Producing was definitely easier than being an anchor.


Jon Erwin said...

Team Boisterously Bodacious!!! We did work very well together to get stories written and put on carts. We were done relatively earlier which I attribute to you the producer.

Annie said...

Jameson "I saved Annie's behind" Fleming, you kept incredibly cool under pressure! How do you do it? Teach me, because when I produced, I was definitely a stress ball

Good show! Team Boisterously Bodacious locked it up!