Well my job was surprisingly easy today. I talked to Amy last night and when she told me her idea for a story, she also said she had the number of the head of the organization who started this program. She originally planned on calling the founder solely for backup information, but I thought we could just do it as a phoner. So big props to Amy for coming up with the idea in the first place. The big thing that I couldn't get into the wrap was that there are different Breast Cancer non-profit organizations. Positively Pink Packages is an education organization, meaning that they try to educate people about Breast cancer if they already have it. Others are research organizations, which give grants for research or do research themselves. Overall Jennifer Tom was an extremely nice lady, one who has obviously been through a lot. I admire the fact that after doing away with Breast Cancer she is still able to help. The reason I like dessert so much, by the way, is because the program is about dessert. It takes all the proceeds from one specific dessert that's being sold at a restaurant and gives it to this organization to buy books and tools that can help those with Breast Cancer. (Picture from www.positivelypinkpackages.org)
1 comment:
Andrew Africk, you save my behind time and time again when it comes to carting audio. I always forget to thank you, but you really are so generous with your time, and are really help everyone in the class have the best possible show possible.
Thanks again, and I think were working together in the near future? Victory.
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