Friday, October 19, 2007


I'm trying really hard to come up with something that you wouldn't know about my story, but am hard pressed to find something. Honestly, I feel like I crammed it all in (hence it being a little on the long side). I mean the story itself is pretty interesting: Centro giving the university money so employees can ride the bus? And paying for cabs if you miss the last bus? It all seems like a pretty good deal. I guess something you wouldn't know is that the commuter fair also was promoting biking as another option to get to work. It helps the environment and is healthy. But I thought that the Fare Deal and Guaranteed Ride Home service were more catchy (and interesting) stories, so I just stuck with them. I was frustrated with writing this week, and thought it could have been better, but overall was pleased with my work. Loved my new team, obviously! "The horse fell into the pool and had to be saved by a wrecker." HAHA- nice one Tyler :)

1 comment:

John Nicholson said...

One thing we don't know from the story is approximately how many people showed up for this event. Too often reporters write about something as if it was a big success when in fact it was a bus-t.