It is crazy what you can find on the Internet. If you need a break from school or work, you can find a way to do so with pay or credit. The Excused Absence Network is an online website that allows you to download excuse notes for $24.95. Excuse notes range from Funeral Service Absence Note, Jury Duty Note, Emergency Room Visit Note, to Medical Evaluation Note. When you use the program, you receive templates to print the notes after typing the name and address of a local doctor or emergency room. If you choose jury duty as an excuse to miss work, you simply enter your county courthouse information on the form.
One testimonial on the website says: "I've managed to take the nine weeks off using these templates! It couldn't be any easier!"
Sounds great, except for one woman from New Jersey ran into some trouble. She was arrested this year after using one of the company's notes. She used it to say she was too injured to appear in traffic court for a speeding ticket. She was caught after court officials called the chiropractor listed and he told them he never heard of the woman.
I really enjoy covering interesting little stories like this. For my soundbite I spoke with a woman at the Academic Integrity Office on campus. She was surprised to hear a website like this existed and said if it becomes a problem they will probably make a program to detect this similiar to the one they have for plagurism.
P.S. My group was awesome this week. A.J. was an amazing and supportive producer and the reporters (Jameson and Jordan) did a great job getting their stories together and helping the team!