Thursday, November 29, 2007

The Last Broadcast of RTN 364

I went down to the Sheraton today for what they were calling their first Green Day. They wanted to get certification as a green facility in Onondaga County by OCRRA. Today they were going to have a small presentation for their employees about how they can go green at home. The Sheraton also gave out prizes to their employees for the ones that came up with the best ways the hotel can become even more environmentally friendly. One of the winning ideas is motion sensors in different places that don't have ones already. The sensors would detect whether someone is the vicinity. If no one is around, lights would go off as would air conditioners and heaters to conserve energy. The hotel plans on giving employees more tips in the future on how to be more environmentally conscience. The Sheraton would also like to expand this project to their guests as well in the future.

Sheraton Green.mp3

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