Thursday, August 30, 2007

What About the Game?

When it comes to the issue of baseball players and steroid use, it goes beyond those players who have used them to win championships and break records. It comes down to the game itself. The players of Major League Baseball are getting paid to play the game they love because they are the best in the country, on their own. By taking steroids players are cheating the fans and cheating the game. What will become of baseball, America's past time, if it is no longer about talent but rather who is "juiced". If a player can not keep up with, or stay at the top of, the level of play in the league perhaps it is time for him to step aside and let a new generation take the stage and allow the game to progress naturally. The title of "pro" loses some of its magic if the player who gained this status is not maintaining it with hard work and natural talent. These guys are talented enough to get into the league, they shouldn't have to take steroids to continue to play in the league.


Jameson Fleming said...

well said. I agree 100% percent.

Jordan Upmalis said...

I completely agree! I think that these players are being paid the "big bucks" because they should be able to do what others can't because of sheer talent, not because they have enough money to purchase and use drugs illegally. I also think you're right about ruining the "magic" of the game.

Ranbir Boyal said...

Definitely agree, America's past time should not be tainted by cheats.