Does it matter if one person is cheating when majority of the other players are too? Does it only matter when that person is breaking records? The problem we have here is the case of a scapegoat. Why is this man's achievements under scrutiny while others are not? When Barry Bonds broke the home run record, he did not receive just accolades for his achievements. Should he have his name forever remembered for breaking a home run record or should he be forever shunned for the use of steroids? Everyone has attacked one batter who uses a drug to enhance his ability, but who has the advantage when both a pitcher and a batter are on steroids? Yes Babe Ruth may have not had any help in his records, but with steroids being such an epidemic in the world of baseball today it is rare to find an athlete who has not played against, with, or while taking the drug themselves. What can not be denied is the fact that Barry Bonds has accomplished something impressive in the baseball world today and he should be recognized for that. What should be scrutinized is the fact that the baseball world is not what it used to be. It is not a sport of pure god given talent, sweat, and sheer determination. It is tainted with drugs, pressure, and controversy.
I understand what you are saying in your post and I completely agree. Illegal drugs have taken over the sports world and it is not like it used to be. However, I still believe that taking illegal drugs, such as steroids, is wrong. Yes, it may be the thing "everyone" is doing but that still does not make it wrong. Barry Bonds, along with others, should be punished for their illegal actions.
That sign in the picture should go down as the single handed best sign in the history of sports. Philadelphia is where the best fans are.
Bonds may be a scapegoat, but he broke the most hallowed record in all of baseball while using illegal drugs. While widespread use of steroids exists, it doesn't exist as much as your making it out to be. Not everyone used steroids.
Bonds is under more scrutiny than others because he broke the two most fabled records in all of sports - the single season and all time home run record. He is not a scapegoat. He choses to be singled out because he wants to be; meaning his disrespect to teammates, fans, and the media have contributed to the persona we now view as 'baroid.' And while steroid use is rampant, it is not everyone. Many players today still made it to the show on sweat, hard work, and determination. It is those ones that we should revere.
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