The Barry Bonds scandal is a major issue in the media today. Although I know little about sports, it is difficult not to know about this story. In my opinion, taking steroids is wrong. An athelete caught taking performance- enchancing drugs should receive punishment. It is unfair to the other atheletes that are not taking drugs. However, it is assumed that many baseball players take steroids. Steroids are common in the baseball world. But, they are still illegal. Therefore, the question is should Bond's homerun record be taken away? I think it should. The man earned that record illegally. However, he is not the only one to earn his record illegally. All other atheletes caught taking steroids should also be punished accordingly. Hopefully this will bring about some fairness in sports.
You make some good points. The steroid policy in baseball in the past has been laughable. It seems to me that Bud Selig is trying to overlook the problem of steroids, but it's a problem that shouldn't be ignored.
Unfortunantely, the truth about Barry Bonds and steroids may never fully come out. Bonds is under more scrutiny than other athletes alleged of steroid use because of his record breaking prowess. But I agree with your point that regardless of the infamy of the athlete, the punishment should be the same.
The problem about taking Bonds' record away if ever caught, is that the same would have to go for EVERY SINGLE other player who has been caught as well. And since the truth may never be revealed, Bonds' record and all other records obtained illegally will stand. But you're right, the record should be erased if ever caught, without question.
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