Some of the class' comments were similar to what I thought. Barry Bonds is a cheater. He knows he is, I know he is, everyone knows he is. He stole the home run record away from a man who worked to fairly breakthat record, is blasphemy. Bond's talent for angering the media has also been extraordinary too, so his "star" in the public eye isn't any good either.
Barry Bonds has become the posterchild for the the larger problem ; cheating in Major League Baseball. Steriods, and now Human Growth Hormone (HGH), have become the only way to compete in the game. The general rule of thumb is no longer "cheat to get ahead", but instead "cheat to even be considered".
Barry deserves the grave he has dug himself. You cheat, you lose. And the United States is notoriously one of the most forgiving public bases. If given the opportunity to forgive, we do. Barry has expressed no such sympathy or remose, and he has never showed any kind of sympathy whatsoever, and THAT is something he deserves. You show no respect, you don't get any back.
Barry Bonds has become the posterchild for the the larger problem ; cheating in Major League Baseball. Steriods, and now Human Growth Hormone (HGH), have become the only way to compete in the game. The general rule of thumb is no longer "cheat to get ahead", but instead "cheat to even be considered".
Barry deserves the grave he has dug himself. You cheat, you lose. And the United States is notoriously one of the most forgiving public bases. If given the opportunity to forgive, we do. Barry has expressed no such sympathy or remose, and he has never showed any kind of sympathy whatsoever, and THAT is something he deserves. You show no respect, you don't get any back.
I completly agree with you. You made some great points about how its more than just bonds its about the game. I like your last point it really wraps up the whole issue and how Bonds breaking records with roids is hurting the game of baseball.
I agree and think you made a great point. The sport of baseball, especially at the Major League level now, has been tainted by steroids to the point that if you don't use them you can't even compete. Also, what you said about Americans being forgiving when they feel it's deserved is right too!
I am not comfortable singling out Barry Bonds in this way, unless we are willing to catch all of the other cheaters in the world of sports. Also, I disagree with your point about the United States being a forgiving country, I mean this country still has the death penalty right...
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