Barry Bonds. His name angers sports fans across America and across the world. The home run king is no longer one of America's past times greatest heroes, but now one of America's greatest zeros. He took the crown away in an illegal way, although like many others he took performance enhancers that didn't involve Wheaties and lifted gallons of milks. Bonds was one of the games greatest hitters before the 'roids. He was an outstanding hitter at Arizona State, where he starred as a Sun Devil. He continued his success as a Pittsburgh Pirate with minimal power and great speed. I don't dislike him for that portion of his career; in fact, I loved him for his play during that time period. He was exciting, stealing bases, and hitting the gaps. Now he's older, much slower, and ravaged by steroids. He comes off as an unlikable person. Many have spoke out against him including Bob Costas, Curt Schilling, and many others. When Bonds hit 756, much of the sports world immediately began counting down the days until another great hitter (cough hopefully Alex Rodriguez in the year 2013) will usurp Bonds of his title.
I think the attributes of his early career are much needed. Credit should go where credit is deserved. (p.s. ARod rocks my socks and I am rooting for him as well!)
I do not have a strong opinion about Barry Bonds himself. However, I do agree with you. Bonds did not earn his accomplishments the right way.
I completely agree. He didn't need to take steroids and he still would have been one of the greats. Unfortunately, he got caught up in the "chicks dig the long ball" saying. Chicks may dig the long ball, but real fans dig real, natural players
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